Paul Roodenrys, Michael Callaghan, Phil Laxton, John Doyle, John Bunter, Colin Bradley, Simon Woffenden, Robin Genero, Chris Balven, Joe Fishburn, Pat Rowley, John Ogden, Mal Campbell, Gary Chalker, Jeff Cohen, Rod broadhead, Kevin Tubb, John Diaz, Colin Sims, Dave Henderson, Tony Moses, Andrew Buckley, Dennis Buys, Stephen Gee, Jeffrey Nickless, Martin Elferink, Neal Toohey, Greg Nelson, Kevin Roberts, Graham Mc Andrew, Paul Hurley,
Rob Hanna, Lance Robertson, Ben Jensen, Peter White, Roger Martin, Mick Simpson, Steve Roberts, Alan Bird, Anthony Holland, Brett MacMahon
Minutes accepted: John Ogden seconded Kevin Roberts.
Treasurers report: Greg Nelson
No expenditure last month.
Rediaccess 5968.26
Debit card 253.34
Rescue 2766.77
Rob Hanna: Membership secretary, report read by Rod Barrett. 119 paid members, 36 unpaid.
New Members: No new members.
Web page:
Richard Robertson all working well, send pictures of bikes, trips to Richard.
Ride reports:
Currarong Fish and chips, nice ride, good scenery, Richard on Cam Am trailed by Highway Patrol, good fish and chips.
Broadford at Easter, 13 members, had a great time, fantastic weather though a bit on the hot side. Look forward to next year, most had 3 x 15minute sessions each day. Pat Marshall liked VFR he borrowed so much he bought one on the way home. John rode the Norton. Great fun.
Coffee ride to Wingelo, pleasant ride through nice countryside. Four riders. Labrador gave Paul a fright running onto the road at Penrose. Massive dog it was, big as a rhinocerous.
Next ride, longer ride Sunday week after next
7/8/9 may Ride to Bermugui. Oggy organising, leave 9am from Sutton Forest, back way down, Bombala second day, home via Cooma.
Actions from previous meeting: held over till next meeting.
An aside form the last weekender, Michael was struck by a huge bird, probably an albatross though Rod swears it was no bigger than a finch.
Dave has bought a new bike. V-Strom
John’s bike is running now. ’81 Z1300
New business: Centenary festival at Goulburn: John D. pamphlet from 0rganisers, on line, large bike display, it will be big weekend of bike related activities. If you register you can ride the track. Rod has sent out the link to the bike show.
DGR (Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride):
registration open. Volunteers for corner markers requested.
Kevin R: Kevin’s sister has been diagnosed with cancer, they are going in the Shitbox Rally to raise funds for cancer research. Their car is called the Bungendore Hooters.
Rod proposed we make a donation, Mal seconded. Sum of $1000 suggested. Passed unanimously.
Meeting closed at 7.26
AGM turned over to John Ogden.
All positions made vacant.
President: Rod Nominated, accepted, Jeff seconded Michael Rod president.
Vice president Michael nominated, Rod seconded John voted unanimously.
Secretary: Nominated Paul by Rod, seconded by Kevin unanimous
Treasurer: Greg nominated Alan, seconded by Paul
Secretary membership Rob Hanna. Nominated Kvein, seconded dave.
General members ordinary member Colin Sims (M. D), Kevin Roberts, Mal Campbell, Andrew Buckley. Voted in unanimously.
Trevor Verhey, Peter White, Graham MacAndrew, Mal Campbell continue as club registration inspectors.
AGM closed 7.32.