Present: Rod Barrett, Paul Roodenrys, Richard Robertson, Colin Bradley, Peter Coad, John Bunter, John Ogden, Chris Maloney, pat balk, Colin Sims, Tony Moses, David Henderson, Alan Bird, Ben Jensen, Robin Genero, Paul Hurley, Kevin Tubb, Neal Toovey, Michael Callaghan, Greg Nelson, Greg Blades, Cliff Elsgood, Sholto Hayes, Trevor Verhey, Roger martin, Kevin Roberts, Garry Chalker, Mal Campbell Esq Chris Spangaro, Jeff Cohen, Richard Heburns, Mik Dubokovich, Bruce Adams, David Bonillo.
Apologies: John Pisani, Peter White, Alan Whiting, John Pisani, Peter White, Chris Balven, Rod Broomhead, Mick Simpson, Mike Hammond.
Meeting Opened: Rod Barrett 7:07 pm
Amendment: John Diaz was present.
Accepted Mick D, Mal
Treasurer’s Report by Greg Nelson:
Rediaccess Account: $1182.4
Debit Card Account: $253.34
Rescue Account: $2753.43
Total: $4189.17
$795 number plates
$1000 Canassit
$686 Club Christmas Brekky (49 attendees).
Last Month’s Finances:
Rediaccess Account: $3027.40
Debit Card Account: $439.34
Rescue Account: $3010.67
Total: $6477.41
Membership Secretary:
No report.
Two new members:
Chris from Exeter
Peter from Welby
Secretary: Nothing to report.
Website: Richard will send out instructions on how to access club page on mobiles and also how to register to access club forum. There will be chats/ for sale.
Need to join to access the forum, Richard approves as members only. Forum is private and restricted to club members only.
Ride Reports:
Capitol country ride, reported on by Michael C. Rod’s arse was sore but he was happy. Good ride, great food. Enjoyed by all. Refer to ride report written and emailed by Michael Callaghan.
Coffee ride to pie shop was also a pleasant ride.
Dirt bike Tuesday 12/12/2023 Greenhills/ Wobeyan. Taralga and return by Swallowtail.
Tony Moses went for a ride with 5 blokes from Bundy: Orbost, Bungendore, Jindabyne 4 day ride.
Upcoming rides will be posted. Longer ride this Sunday with lunch
If you think of a good ride submit to club for inclusion in the ride calendar.
Christmas Function:
Went well at Schmokin’ thanks to Martin and the Schmokin team. Nice ride to Robbo and back to Kevin’s for lunch. A big thanks to Kev for the venue and to John Diaz for the Paella. Good afternoon enjoyed by all. Any photos of the function please send to Rod, Mick D has a few. John Diaz was told on good authority that a member missed the photo due to a personal need.
Licence plate surrounds available: $15.00
Other business:
Greg Roberts asked if we could share information with the Cooma club.
Jeff: Hundredth anniversary of Australian GP. Rod explained some organisation so far. Rod contacted Mulwarree Council but has had no substantial response. Conversation ensued regarding GP/TT.
Exhaust Notes: Classic Bike Club from Nowra. Look for it your inbox.
John Diaz March 2/24. Bathurst racing of all kinds.
Trevor V trailer will be at his place in Tallong. Trev will provide emergency bike assistance over Christmas and New Year. Dragon is closed from 22/12 to 9/1
Meeting closed: 7:50 pm. Next meeting will be in January.