Paul Roodenrys, Shayne Turner, John Ogden, Anthony Holland, Robin Genero, Paul Hurley, Kevin Tubb, Mark Clark, Ben Denning (?), Colin Bradley, John Diaz, Stephen Gee, Jeff Cohen, Mik Dubokovich, Tony Moses, Michael Callaghan, Rob Hanna, Greg Nelson, Rod Barrett, Kevin Roberts, Graham McAndrew, Mick Simpson.
Rod Broadhead, Chris Balven, Lance Robertson, Nick Tomlinson, Michael Melov, Chris Maloney, Adrain Toscan, Phil Laxton, David Wilson, Mick Lendrum, Brett McMahon, David Bonillo, Alan Whiting, John Pisani, Richard Robertson.
Meeting Opened: 7:06 pm by Rod Barrett
Read and accepted. Amendments made and accepted from floor.
Treasurers Report by Greg Nelson:
Everyday Rediaccess Account: $5810.88
Debit Card Account: $314.34
Rescue Account: $2412.52
Total: $8537.74
Clifton Accountants for audit: $275
Movember: $500
Finance Discussion:
As per discussion and agreement at the last Club Meeting in June, banking arrangements with CBA will be as follows -
Two accounts to be held by the Highlands Classic and Enthusiasts Motorcycle Club.
One for Membership payments, Fund Transfers, BPay etc and linked to the Debit cards.
The second account will be for the Club Motorcycle rescue service only.
President - Rod Barrett to have full access to all accounts including signatory for all transactions and a Debit Card.
Treasurer - Greg Nelson to have full access to all accounts including signatory for all transactions and as well as a Debit Card.
Vice President - Michael Callaghan to have full access to all accounts including signatory for all transactions.
Membership Officer - Rob Hanna to have full access to all accounts including signatory for all transactions.
Membership Report by Rob Hanna:
Has tried to contact any non-paid member, registration of bike will lapse upon non payment of fees. Every effort made to contact any member who hasn’t paid.
Public Officer:
Our new Public Officer is John Ogden. A warm thank you to John.
New members:
Bill Fleming. Bill reports he is just getting back into motorcycling. Wouldn’t reveal choice of motorcycle. On balance of probability would have to be another GS.
Ride Reports:
Rod emailed his Europe report to members.
Michael on Sunday ride from MV at the gardens. Very successful.
Reports are on the net and club website
New Ride format:
First Sunday (coffee ride) short ride <100 km.
Third Sunday (lunch rides) >100 km.
Start times will vary depending on the destination. Rob explained reasoning behind new arrangements.
Keep an eye on your emails re start times and destinations. Times to be altered due to seasons. 9 start will be for 9.30 start fuelled and ready.
Cars and coffee:
Sunday July 30
Bulli Italian Bike festival 12/13 August.
Will be a club ride.
This Sunday ride to Shoalhaven heads:
Watch for emails re start times.
New Bikes/ Old Bikes:
Greg Nelson spoke about the trouble he is having registering his trail bike as the bike has been erroneously labelled as a non-road registrable bike.
Rescue Service trial: Rod Barrett:
The following are points raised during the discussion:
Decision needs to be made about does this programme become a permanent fixture or should the programme be terminated.
Greg N. Spoke to the negative.
1) $50 you can join a national pick-up service.
2) Funds can be better used in the club, spend the money on club activities.
3) Different expectations of how program should work which makes it more complex to administer.
4) Most active members have a support network in the club who can be called upon to help out. Many members have a trailer and are happy to help out.
Discussion regarding some pros and cons of the service. John Ogden presented the point that sometimes Trev and Peter did not charge for pick ups. Rebuttal point is Dragon and Old Mate are businesses and should not be expected to provide discount or free services.
Kevin R. No point in leaving money in separate account? Why not have the money in general account and just monitor outgoings as with other expenses. Greg responds that the extra account isn’t an issue but let’s spend the money on the members.
No matter what we do we can’t meet every member’s needs.
On website we include details of pickup services at own expense.
Rod is agnostic on pickup service, the positive of the service is available to all members once a year which does provide a benefit to all club members.
Rod should we gazette the motion to vote on the service or does this meeting agree that we can vote on the rescue trial. The meeting agreed to vote on the issue.
Do we continue trial for 1 year? Vote 16 for/ 3 against. Motion is carried to continue the rescue trial.
Rod has put out the new document re the Rescue service. Members need to be aware of the conditions. The main point is the user pays the service provider and is reimbursed but he club. There is only one use per member per year with a total of $300. A less charge still is considered the members one use. It does not reimburse members for petrol if they pick up their own bike.
Rod led a discussion on ways to spend club money:
Some activities discussed:
BBQ at Tallowa Dam.
new and improved Christmas party.
Motorcycle Accident Management training.
Widespread agreement to hold Motorcycle Accident Management Training. Details below:
As agreed at the July meeting the Club is sponsoring Motorcycle Accident Management Training run by an Instructor from “First Aid for Motorcyclists”, see below for course description and link to website. To run the Course we need 15min to 25max participants. Due to limited Instructor availability I have tentatively booked the following:
Date: Sunday 10th September, 10am to 3pm.
Location: Moss Vale Services Club, Camellia Room. Refreshments and lunch provided.
Cost to members: $20 paid at August Club meeting or Bank Transfer (reference, your name, accident training)
Please reply to Rod, (email if you wish to attend by Thursday 20th July as we need to know numbers asap to secure the booking (first in first served, if more than 25 a second course can be arranged at a later date)
Motorcycle Accident Management training ™:
“This is a half day fast paced interactive certificate course ideally suited for those who have had some previous first aid training experience or for those who do not need a Government issued statement of attainment. In this course you will learn introductory first aid skills and information about managing a scene effectively. You will walk away with a whole new founded skill set as well as refreshed your previous skill set No usi or pre course online e learning is required”
Other business:
DGR $13000 raised not $1300, typo error in minutes noted.
Greg re red dot information stickers.
Dirt Bike Tuesday:
18/July. Greenhills Road 9 for 9.30.
Meeting Closed: 8.09 pm. Next meeting 14/08/23.