Present: Paul Roodenrys, Rob Hanna, John Ogden, Phil Laxton, John Doyle, Anthony Holland, Brett McMahon, Andrew Phillips, Mik Dubokovich, David Wilson, Chris Balvin, Robin Genero, Alan Bird, Cliff Elsegood, Bill Fleming, Ian Hamilton, Mick Lendrum, Richard Harborn, Kevin Roberts, Mal Campbell, David Henderson, Andrew Buckley, 10mm Socket, John Diaz, Colin Sims, Colin Sims, Jeff Cohen, Stephen Gee, Michael Callaghan, Greg Nelson,
Apologies: Peter White, Zeb Dubokovich, Col Bradley, Lance Robertson, Mick Simpson. Alan Whiting, John Pisano, Richard Robertson
Meeting Opened: Rod Barrett 7:05 pm
Kevin R, Andrew Buckley
Treasurer’s Report by Greg Nelson
Rediaccess Account: $3027.40
Debit Card Account: $439.34
Rescue Account: $3010.67
Total: $6477.41
No outgoings monies this month.
Membership Secretary Report by Rob Hanna:
No new members. Members stand at 135 financial members.
House Keeping:
Rod: Email and Facebook should be motorcycle related, please no politics on these forums.
Andrew: Abuse and bullying should not be accepted. Benny made a comment, Benny is not a member anymore and should not be getting emails. He will be removed from the email list.
Email: Mik Dubrovnik mentioned having too many replies to one email and often on a different topic.
Richard: Apologies, please reply to secretary only to avoid filling up members email list.
Rego plate surrounds still being investigated: Mick Lendrum enquired about keyrings.Rob Hanna has some, see Rob.
Ride Reports:
Coffee ride was enjoyable.
Tarago ride was enjoyable. Long ride with road works and water trucks.
Thursday Ride, best part café at Yanderra, excellent pastries.
Mik D rode to Queensland for the Cooma Cruisers meet then to Broken Hill and back here. 4,800 km over 8 days on his trusty Triumph.
Mick L rode to the Gloucester Motor Guzzi Rally on his Guzzi outfit via Wombeyan Caves Road (because why wouldn’t you head West when travelling North).
Rob H reported on the Throttle Roll rally at Marickville. Exceptional bikes on display. Bands and pretty girls. And alcohol.
Rod: Club registered motor vehicle, Mercedes, won his class and car of the Queanbeyan show. He was very chuffed.
Mick L: SHiT ride: 6-8 riders per ride. He who brings the smallest bike decides where to go unless they bring a rigid, then they get to choose. Every second Wednesday. Look for emails.
Cliff Elsegood: Long Weekend; King of the Hill, an incredible weekend. Suggested we make it a club ride next year.
Mik D: Guzurgan 27-29 October. Vintage, chopper and custom show 14/ 11 Bendigo Swapmeet.
Rob H. Lunch ride this Sunday. 15/10. Kiama for fish and chips. Other lunch ride suggestions to Rob.
Michael C: has his Enfield running and got nearly all the way around the block before it stopped. Sold his CB750, feels a sense of loss when he looks at the spot in his shed it used to sit.
Other Business:
Phil Laxton recommends bike gear shop behind Repco.
Greg N. Update on rebirthed motorbike he unwittingly acquired.
10 Dec Club Christmas party at Schmokin’. Bring your bike, brekky then ride.
Kevin Roberts: Christmas Lunch after the ride. Discussed payment $20 to John Decided on $10 per head and club will make up the difference. Christmas Lunch at Kev's, $10 deposit into the Club's bank account with your name and Xmas or $10 cash to Greg next meeting.
Bank account details are -
BSB. 633000
ACC. 200097376
Dirt Bike Tuesday: 9am start, destination Wombeyan Caves.
Robin G. Side car rally Sunday 14/10 at Bradman 9, ride at 10.
This Thursday’s Ride to Marulan.
Meeting Closed: 7:50 pm